In this article we’ll address a challenge many of our customers face when it comes to data retrieval for reporting and analysis. 2 minutes per file is wasted on average by an employee on manual processing of each document:

There is definitely a better way to work with data than download files from cloud storage.
Let’s look at two routine processes your company might have:
- A remote team sends or even brings completed forms to your office. A dedicated employee copy-pastes data from forms to a spreadsheet or database.
- Your customers want access to the completed checklists, so you share access to your cloud storage. They download files one by one and review the information they need.
There is a much more efficient alternative.
Automated Way to Collect, Extract and Combine Data
A key step when working with data is to extract what’s most valuable in the most straightforward way – and that’s where Fluix comes in.
With Fluix you can avoid manual data retyping, collect accurate data from digital forms, and share data insights based on real-time data from the field.
Data retrieval flow:
1. Data is collected with mobile forms.
2. Upon each form submit, the data is automatically extracted from a form into a dataset:

4. At any point of time, the dataset can be downloaded as a spreadsheet, or data can be pushed to the visualization software of your choice.
Learn More About Datasets
How to automatically retrieve data from forms in Fluix

Automated Data Export to Business Intelligence Tools
Turning data into actionable insights starts with proper data analysis. Fluix easily integrates with most popular Business Intelligence platforms like Power BI, Tableau, Domo, Qlik. There you can easily create charts, diagrams and tables for further analysis.
Also, it is possible to connect Fluix to such database services like Smartsheet, Airtable, SeaTable and share the report with colleagues and customers.

From Automated Data Extraction to Data Driven Decisions

Analyzing data collected in the field has the power to provide a 360º view of company productivity and enables to take right decisions in time:
- Streamlined reporting process to assure compliance with industry regulations
- Ability to identify trends and optimize efficiency
- Access to granular data to analyze and compare multiple sites
- Ability to immediately identify and fix issues on remote sites
- Data aggregation for resource planning
- Ability to reveal hidden bottlenecks and defects
Benefits of Data Intelligence
Don’t neglect opportunities that your data has for you – start working with it and see the productivity gains:

“Collecting field data in Fluix is imperative! It provides me the ability
to report on virtually any field process. The best part is that it doesn’t create any
additional burden for end users, effectively raising their productivity!”
Jeff Miller, IT Manager Centuri