Document Sections

What is My Inbox?

In case the document requires any action from you, it will become available in the My Inbox section. The document can come from your company admin, your colleagues, or a customer to whom you sent the document for signature.

When a new document lands in My Inbox, you receive a notification in the app. Once a document is sent to My Inbox, you also get a notification by email (if this option is enabled by your company account Admin).

In My Inbox, you can see who sent the document, when, and its status:

  • Expired – signer didn’t sign the document and the link to the document got expired;
  • Declined – signer declined to sign the document;
  • Voided  – the document is returned by you or your admin before it was signed by the signer;
  • Signed the signer already signed the document and sent it to you;
  • Overdue – the document stays in My Inbox for a longer period than expected by your admin and immediate action is required from you.

Once you open a document, you see the comment (if any) from your customer or colleague.

When you’re done making changes to a document, you can manage it in one of the following ways:

  • Submit to the next stage. If you finished working on the document, tap Submit in the upper right corner. Fluix will then take the document to the next step of the workflow pre-configured by your company account Admin. Choose the appropriate action based on your workflow if a dropdown menu is displayed.
  • Save to Drafts. Upon first modification, a document moves from My Inbox to Drafts. Once finished annotating, you can submit the document from Drafts by tapping Submit.

After the document is submitted, a copy of it is saved under Completed (if this is the last step of the workflow and it’s pre-configured by Admin), or Reassigned (if other members of your team need to work on the document).

How to delete a document from My Inbox?

If a document in My Inbox needs to be deleted, you can do it in the following way:

  • Open My Inbox, and make any modification in a document (annotation, fill out any field).
  • Tap  Back in the upper right corner. This moves the document from My Inbox to Drafts.
  • Go to the Drafts tab, tap on three dots next to the name of the document, tap Delete, and confirm the action.

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What is Group Inbox?

Group Inbox section becomes active if you receive a document that has been sent to a group of people that you belong to and an action is required from one of you:

Once you receive a document in this section, you will need to assign it to yourself in the lower right corner to be able to edit and annotate:

Once assigned to yourself, the document moves from Group Inbox to Drafts as a draft, and becomes unavailable to other members of the group.

After making changes to the document, you can either submit it by tapping Submit button in the top right corner or save a draft to Drafts by tapping the arrow in the top left corner.

Once a day you receive an email digest listing all available documents in Group Inbox at that moment. Contact your company account Admin to manage your email notifications preferences.

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What is Cabinet?

In the Cabinet section, you can access documents that are available to a group of people in your Fluix account.

In order to start working with one of such documents, open it and tap Assign to me.

At that point, the document will land in Drafts on your device. Other members will see the Taken label next to such document and it will be available for viewing only.

After making changes to the document, you can either submit it by tapping the Submit button in the top right corner or save a draft to Drafts by tapping the arrow in the top left corner.

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What is Templates?

In Templates, you can access documents that are synced from the folder on your company storage:

There are two ways of working with documents from Templates:

  • Blank forms that are used for the repetitive job and submitted to the next stage as per workflow rules, preconfigured by your company Admin;
  • Documents that are distributed by the company Admin for your review. Any changes you’ll make will be available to you only and there is no preconfigured submit action.

In both cases, once you open a document in Templates and start making changes, a copy will be saved to your device, while the template itself will stay always intact.

1. Templates with preconfigured submit action

As mentioned above, this option is configured by your company Admin to provide you access to the templates that you can use for repetitive work.

After you pick up a new form from Templates and make any modifications (fill out a form field or add an annotation), a file with your changes will be automatically saved to the Drafts section of the app. The initial form available in Templates always stays blank.

To save changes, tap Back button in the upper left corner. In addition, all your changes are automatically saved every 3 min.

Each document is saved to Drafts with the original name (as in Templates), however, you can rename it by tapping on the Back button in the opened document. In the new window, you will be able to rename it.

Note: If a file contains an automatic naming convention created by your Admin, the name is generated based on certain fields you fill out in the document. In this case, you are not allowed to change the name manually.

If more than one action has been preset by your company Admin, you will see the alternative actions once you tap Submit button.

After you submit the file, it will follow the preconfigured submit rules and will be saved in your Completed (if the file reached its final destination) or Reassigned section (if further actions need to be taken by your colleagues upon the document):

You can see up to 500 recently submitted files in Completed or Reassigned. To save space on your device, you can regulate the number of displayed documents in the app Settings -> File Manager section.

In case you do not see the Completed section, it means that it was hidden as per your company policy.

If pre-configured by your company Admin, you can also resubmit already submitted files from the Completed section. Each resubmitted document will come as a separate copy (won’t overwrite the very first version).

2. Templates without submit action

If there are no submit actions configured by your Admin for Templates, once you make any changes to the file originating from Templates, you may save a copy to the Personal or Company Drive section by tapping Back and selecting the folder. In these sections, you can rename, delete or move files to other local subfolders.

You can also rename the document by tapping on the pencil icon:

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What is Drafts?

Upon first modification, all documents are automatically saved to the Drafts section. You can think of Drafts as a draft section in your email box.

You can rename, copy or move the document to another folder in Drafts, pin the document, and delete it. You may also email the document by tapping three dots next to the name of the document if this option is enabled by your company account Admin.

Note: if a file contains an automatic naming convention created by your Admin, the name is generated based on certain fields you fill out in the document. In this case, you are not allowed to change the name manually.

You can always come back to your documents in Drafts and submit the document from there by tapping on the Submit button in the upper right corner.

Once submitted, a copy of the document will be saved under Completed (if allowed by your account Admin) or Reassigned (depending on the preconfigured document flow).

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What is Outgoing?

The Outgoing section stores documents that have been submitted, but because of no (or poor) Internet connection, cannot be sent from the device at this very moment.

Once the Internet connection is established, all the documents in this section will be automatically sent.

If a document got stuck in Outgoing, force quit Fluix app by following one of the guides below:

  • iPad new generation:

    From the Home Screen or inside an app, swipe up from the screen’s bottom and hold. You will see all open apps and their preview. Swipe horizontally to find the app you wish to close. Finally, swipe up the app card to force quit it.
  • iPad old generation:

    Double-click the Home button to see the most recently used apps. Swipe right or left to find the app that you want to close. Swipe up on the app’s preview to close the app.

After that, relaunch the application and check the Outgoing section. Once documents are submitted from the device they will land to Completed (if allowed by your account Admin) or Reassigned (depending on the preconfigured document flow).

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What is Completed?

The Completed section contains a list of the last 500 documents that you submitted so that you can use them for reference. To keep the files organized, you may create folders by tapping “+” on the folder icon as shown below and add the respective documents there :

In case you do not see the Completed section, it means that it was hidden as per your company policy.

If pre-configured by your company Admin, you can also edit and resubmit already submitted files from the completed section or create a copy of the completed document. In order to do so, open the respective document in the Completed section and tap Actions button, there you will see two options:

1) Edit & Resubmit option will allow you to make additional annotations and (or) edits to the document and resubmit it accordingly. Please note that each resubmitted document will come as a separate copy (won’t overwrite the very first version). 

2) Create a copy option will allow you to duplicate the already completed document so that the edits initially added to the original document remain in the created copy.

You may also select the most convenient way for you to display the completed documents in the list or grid view as it is shown below:

As a user, you can decide on how many completed files are going to be stored on your device. The setting is available under the app Settings →  File Manager → select the preferable amount: 

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What is Reassigned?

Reassigned section stores the 500 latest files in a non-editable format that were passed by you on to other members of the workflow. Note that reassigned files are shown only for your reference and are non-editable.

In order to see to whom the documents were reassigned, please tap on three dots next to the name of the document. Next to the Last action, you will see the name of the Group to which the document was reassigned according to the workflow setup preconfigured by the Fluix account admin.

There you will also be able to pin the documents in order to have quick access to them through the Pinned section. You may also email the documents and share them to the third-party platforms if such actions are allowed by your Fluix account admin. 

As a user, you can configure the number of files stored in this section by navigating the app Settings in the bottom left corner → File Manager:

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What is Sent for Signature?

In Sent for Signature tab you can see the documents that were emailed and are waiting to be signed.

In case you would like to check the email address of the recipient to whom the document was sent to be signed, open the Sent for Signature section, and tap on three dots next to the name of the document. In the opened window next to the Last action, you will see the email address of the recipient.

If you need to revoke the signature request and make a document unavailable for the signer, go to Sent for Signature section -> tap on the document to open it, and tap Void button in the upper right corner.

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What is Company Drive?

Company Drive section includes the files from your company storage.

There are three ways to work with the files in Company Drive (preconfigured by your account Admin):

Two-way sync. The content of the folder on remote storage will sync to your device. All changes made by you will sync back to storage, i.e. original files in the folder will get overwritten.

One-way sync. The content of the linked folder on remote storage will sync to your device. All changes made to files by you on device, will be saved in a created copy on the device only, while the initial files on storage will stay intact.

Manually download. A list of files and folders located in the linked folder on remote storage is displayed on your device. Files get downloaded only when they are opened. You can make any changes to the files and they will be saved on your devices only. This option is usually selected to save the device space.

There are a few ways to work with files and folders in Company Drive. Tap on Edit in the upper right corner, select a file or folder and select an action on the left side bar:

  • Copy — copy files and paste them into another folder
  • Move — move files from one folder to another
  • Rename — rename files
  • Delete — delete files
  • Merge — merge multiple documents into one file
  • Zip — compress files into a zipped folder
  • Mail to — e-mail files (Please note: this feature is active only if configured by the company’s Fluix account Admin)
  • Upload — upload files to your storage on server (Please note: this feature is active only if configured by the company’s Fluix account Admin)
  • Open in — open files in another application (Please note: this feature is active only if configured by the company’s Fluix account Admin)
  • Create Folder — create a new folder

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What is Personal?

Documents land in the Personal section in a couple of cases:

— moved or copied from the Company Drive section;

— saved local versions with changes from the Templates section if the submit action is not preconfigured by your company Admin

— saved by you from other applications.

Please note: In all scenarios, the documents cannot be submitted as these aren’t part of a document flow, but they can be easily viewed, annotated, and shared if allowed as per your company policy.

To share the document, tap on three dots next to the name of the document, tap Mail to option, or scroll down the menu and tap Share option. Please note: these options will be available in case such actions are allowed by your company account Admin in the Fluix Admin Portal).

In addition, you may pin, rename, copy (if this option is enabled by your company account Admin), zip, and delete the documents. 

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What is Recents?

Under the Recents section is a list of files that have been recently opened.

Tap on three dots next to the name of any document in the Recents section to check the initial document’s location in the Fluix app and the document’s modification date. You can choose one of the options below:

  • Reveal – will redirect you to the section in the Fluix app where this document is located.
  • Pin – will move the document to the Pinned section of the app to have quick access to the document.
  • Share – will allow you to share the respective document with anyone using any third-party tool or save a document to your device (if this option is enabled by your company account Admin).

To remove the documents from the Recents section, please tap on the Clear button in the upper right corner of the screen.

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What is Pinned?

In case you would like to have quick access to the respective document from different sections of your account, you may save them to the Pinned section.

This can be done by clicking on three dots next to the name of the document and selecting the Pin action.

Once done, the pinned document will be available in the Pinned section of the app. When you start making edits to the document that is located in the Pinned section, the document can be saved to the folder in either the Personal or Company Drive sections.

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How to Regulate the Sync Process in the Fluix App

The Sync Regulation feature provides the possibility to pause the synchronization of the sections and individual folders in the Templates and Company Drive sections manually on the users’ devices. It allows users to choose the appropriate time for the sync process when the device is connected to a stable internet connection.

How does the Sync Regulation feature improve the user’s experience in the Fluix iOS app?

  • The battery level of the device and the work of the Fluix application won’t be affected by a permanent auto-sync anymore.
  • It will decrease the usage of the storage capacity of the user’s device as the users can manually select which folders they would like to be synced to their device regardless of the type of Internet connection

Use cases

The Fluix App may contain a large number of documents, and the permanent auto-sync of the data may clog up a storage capacity on the user’s device. Some users also may work in areas with a poor Internet connection, which can slow down the auto-sync process when the user needs access to the required document. The Sync Regulation allows the selection of a particular folder or section for the sync process, which will decrease the storage capacity on the device, and the synchronization process will take less time as the number of documents to be synced is reduced.

How to allow users to pause sync on the device?

You can set a configuration to allow users to pause sync on the device on the company-level configuration, which will be applied to all the users in your company account. In case you need the configurations to be applied only to the respective group of users, you may set group-level configurations.

To allow your users to decide when to sync files on the company-level configurations, please navigate to Configuration –  File Sharing on the Admin Portal.

To enable Sync Regulation for the users on group-level configuration, please navigate to the Groups section, select the respective group, open the Configuration tab, and activate the Enable group-level configuration by ticking a checkbox next to it.

Please note: to enable access to the pause sync process on the group-level configuration, please define the respective group for the participants as a default in the User Details section. By defining the group as default, the company-level configurations will no longer comply with the group anymore.

How it works on the user’s device?

To pause the sync process for the respective section in the account, the user may tap on the Pause Sync option next to the section name. This will pause the synchronization process for all the folders that are located in the particular section.

To resume the syncing process of the section, please tap on the Resume Sync option next to the section name.

To pause sync for a respective folder, the user may tap on three dots next to the folder name. Under the Pin button, you will see the Pause Sync option.

To resume the syncing process of the folder, the user may tap on three dots and select the Resume Sync option.

Please note: the pause and resume sync actions apply to the root folder. If the folder contains subfolders, it may not be possible to pause them individually. Therefore, when you pause the synchronization of a root folder, the subfolders in it will also be paused.

The users also have the possibility to pause the sync process of multiple folders by tapping on the Select button and putting the checkmarks next to the respective folders.

To resume the sync process for all folders that were manually paused, the users may tap on the Resume Sync button

Please note: when the user resumes the sync process by selecting the Resume Sync option in the three-dots menu, synchronization will only be resumed for the one selected folder.

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How to Track Document Activity on the Device

The Fluix app is a tool for filling out PDFs, collecting signatures, uploading images, and seamlessly submitting documents according to your business processes. It also enables you to track the progress of your documents, showing when and by whom they were submitted to their final destination. Let’s explore how to use the Document Activity feature in the Fluix app.
The Document Activity feature provides a clear overview of the progress of documents you are working on or have worked on, including their status, the name of the current assignee, comments if any were added, all that directly from the app.

How does it work?

Note: this feature is available starting from Fluix app version 3.22. You may upgrade the app through the App Store

This feature is available in the following sections of the Fluix app:

  • Group Inbox
  • My Inbox
  • Drafts
  • Sent for Signature
  • Reassigned
  • Completed.

The Document Activity works online and offline, but its functionality depends on whether your app is synced with the latest updates.

  • Online Mode: If your Fluix app is synced with the most recent updates, the Document Activity window will display accurate and up-to-date information about the document’s history.
  • Offline Mode: If you’ve been working offline, the Document Activity data may not reflect the latest updates. To ensure you see the most current information, connect to a stable internet connection and allow the app to complete the sync. For detailed instructions on syncing, refer to this article.

Navigate to the desired section of the Fluix app (e.g. Group Inbox, My Inbox, etc.). Open the document for which you want to view the activity.

You’ll notice a dot next to the Document Activity icon if the document has a recent activity.

Tap the Document Activity icon to open the window displaying the last 50 events related to the document. These events include:

  • The initial source of the document
  • Time and details of document modifications
  • Current status
  • The group or user working on the document

Please note:
1. Comments exchanged among team members while collaborating in the Group Inbox will be displayed in the Message section of the Document Activity.

2. If you submit the documents via email (as per the workflow set by your admin) and manually add recipients to the list, the Document Activity section will display only those recipients you added. Preconfigured email addresses set by your Fluix admin will not appear.

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To track all new documents synced on your device, tap on the Notifications section. There you will see the list of documents that were synced on your device and in what section they are located. On the top, you’ll see the number of unread notifications, in the list they will be marked with blue bullet points next to the document names.

Tap on the document to open it.

To collapse a section, just tap on it. Also, you can clear all updates in any section by tapping Clear.

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