Help > Documents > User App Guide > Document Sections > What is Personal?

What is Personal?

Documents land in the Personal section in a couple of cases:

— moved or copied from the Company Drive section;

— saved local versions with changes from the Templates section if the submit action is not preconfigured by your company Admin

— saved by you from other applications.

Please note: In all scenarios, the documents cannot be submitted as these aren’t part of a document flow, but they can be easily viewed, annotated, and shared if allowed as per your company policy.

To share the document, tap on three dots next to the name of the document, tap Mail to option, or scroll down the menu and tap Share option. Please note: these options will be available in case such actions are allowed by your company account Admin in the Fluix Admin Portal).

In addition, you may pin, rename, copy (if this option is enabled by your company account Admin), zip, and delete the documents. 

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