Berlin Productivity Meetup Q&A: Alberto Dabusti

Jenny Butler Customer Experience & Events Manager
Last Updated

At the Fluix Productivity Meetup in Berlin, Jen Butler spoke with Alberto Dabusti, Energy Engineer at Apleona, about how the future of the Energy industry is definitely digital.

Jen: Hi, Alberto! Fluix, on average, gives you back about five hours in your day. What would you do if you had an extra five hours?

Alberto: I would like to spend more time outside in nature, but since you are speaking about business, I would probably focus much more on analytics, trying to get some insights from the data that we have.

Jen: And what’s your favorite thing about your job?

Alberto: I like to solve problems. I’m facing different new challenges on a weekly basis. The best part of my job is trying to solve problems as a team, together with other people. And when the outcome is an excellent, efficient solution for the customers…that is the best.

Jen: Would you say that working and collaborating with other people is part of what you like most about your role?

Alberto: Yeah, definitely. I like to share ideas and create common solutions.

Jen: What about the most frustrating thing about your job, or a challenge you face in your job?

Alberto: We are facing some challenges in collecting data and waiting for data in general. That can be frustrating because it’s holding projects back. Therefore, we are looking forward to working in a more digital environment.

Jen: Would that be a challenge in your industry in general?

Alberto: Probably, the digitalization could be one. We make a step forward because the industry is relying on paper-based documentation, for example, paper invoices; everyone working in the Energy industry still has invoices on paper. And yes, we are looking forward to digital invoices to process data as quickly as possible.

Jen: What would you say the future of your industry looks like?

Alberto: It is a digital future. It’s a platform economy. Customers are asking for a platform as a point of contact where they get all the services from one place. So, most of our competitors are trying to create a platform to give to customers the experience that you provide in Fluix.

Jen: Finally, what will be your key takeaways from our meetup here in Berlin today?

Alberto: The stories and experiences we shared.