Why You Need CRM and DMS Integration

Olga Zakharova Senior Product Manager
Last Updated


CRM without DMS is like a car without fuel, only worse. Think of CRM, or customer relationship management, as a perfect library where everything is tidily arranged. It manages your client relationships and organizes all the information about your interactions with customers.

But even with that treasure trove of information, you still need to do some heavy lifting to effectively use it. That’s where DMS — document management systems — comes in. 

Adopting a full integration is where you really start to see results, with reductions in labor hours of almost 50%, all while reducing costs across the board. Simply put, CRM and DMS integration is the way of the future. With 43% of companies looking to expand their investments in employee communication transformations and mobile solutions, it’s no wonder that businesses are turning to CRM and DMS. 

How CRM and DMS Integration Works 

To understand CRM and DMS integration works, you first need to see how CRM and DMS function on their own. Secondly, you need to feel the difference between them.

CRM centralizes your business’s information about customer interactions, automating interactions and outreach while tracking customer journeys. Whether a customer is making a purchase, getting help, or interacting with one of your ads, CRM takes all that data and rolls it up into one neat package. 

DMS is also all about centralization. It streamlines business operations by taking your documents — from contracts to text files to emails, scans, and more — and organizes them in an easily manageable repository. The payoffs? No more wasting time searching for the right document, and no more waiting to seal the deal. 

So how does a CRM and DMS integration work? Think of it this way. Your CRM gives you a more complete picture of your customers and tells you what you need to do. DMS lets you actually do it. In real-world terms, your employees might work with a CRM to make sales to customers, while the DMS provides them with contracts and other paperwork to speed up the process. 

Why is that integration so important? CRM and DMS can save your business time and money on their own. But put them together, and the positive results can be exponential. Integration of DMS with CRM can help supercharge:

  • Workflow automation. With an integrated system, sending documents over email is a thing of the past. That means no more missing contracts and no more lag-time. Your documents are automatically organized and sent to the right place by your CRM. Exchange-heavy processes such as onboarding and training can be sped up dramatically. 
  • Costs savings. Your business is trying to make sales and find new customers. CRM makes that process easier, but adding DMS to the mix kicks it up a notch. Every minute not spent chasing after a document is another minute that can be spent making sales and boosting revenue. And over thousands of interactions, that time-saving quickly adds up to significant cost savings.
  • Time saved on manual data copy-paste. A DMS will keep your documents organized, but filling them out can still be a labor-intensive process. Integrating with a CRM system means that document templates can be autofilled with the right information. In other words, no more manual copy-and-pasting. As an example, integrating CRM and DMS helped Reborn Cabinets increased sales team productivity by 20%

Who benefits from this? The short answer is everyone. For salespeople and customer representatives, CRM and DMS integration can speed up every interaction with customers. For project managers, a smoothly functioning team is the dream. And if you’re not hunting down documents, it frees up more time for big-picture thinking and high-level strategizing. 

Why Fluix is a solution? Fluix works for all sorts of different industries and transforms their workflows into a logical and absolutely paperless process. This is a strong document management system, which can be easily integrated with your CRM Automation is the heart of Fluix. Your documents move directly to CRM at the very moment they are completed. This, dare we say, eliminates time waste on manual upload of documents and data entry, reduces mistakes, and frees up your and your team time to focus on high value-added tasks.

Anything Else?

A recent report revealed that 89% of organizations struggle with implementing enterprise digital transformation, but that’s not because they’re doing too much. In most cases, they’re not doing enough. If you’re simply slapping a few digital processes onto an outmoded workflow, you’re not going to see the results you want. 

When it comes to digital transformations, it’s go hard or go home. Case in point? CRM and DMS integration. As we’ve just seen, investing in a CRM system won’t get you very far without a system that makes sure your documents are centralized, organized, and accessible. 

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