10 Safety Metrics You Should Know and Track

Dasha Gaioshko Growth Manager & Data Analyst
Last Updated

Attention to workplace safety supports employee well-being and company’s safety regulation efforts, especially when it comes to safety-critical industries like aviation, construction, gas and energy, etc.

To ensure compliance and safety best practices, it’s essential to adhere to the standards set by regulatory bodies such as the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) and by Environmental Health and Safety (ESH) Services. These organizations have established safety standards that serve as benchmarks for companies willing to create secure work environments.In this article, we’ll take a close look at 10 key safety metrics that contribute to the reduction of work-related incidents, exploring the ways in which safety management software can assist in achieving this goal.

10 Critical Safety Metrics to Measure for Your Business

There is no fixed list of safety metrics, and their number can vary based on the industry, regulatory requirements, and internal safety goals of your organization. 

The 10 safety metrics examples we’ll discuss here are some fundamental types that help monitor safety performance and prevent accidents and injuries, but you can customize them  based on your needs.Note that for best results, each metric should follow the SMART framework. That means it should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound.

1. Lost Time Incident Rate (LTIR)

LTIR is a safety metric that measures the number of work-related incidents per 100 full-time employees.

For this metric, you only count incidents that result in time away from work. LTIR is one of the most important safety measurements because it directly correlates with the severity of accidents occurring within the workplace. 

To calculate LTIR, multiply the number of lost time incidents by 200,000. Then, divide the result by the total hours worked during the measurement period. This formula provides the LTIR rate of 100 employees working 40 hours a week for 50 weeks.

Let’s look at the example. If your workplace of 100 people had five lost time incidents in 30 workdays, you would multiply five by 200,000 to get 1 million. Then, you’d multiply 100 workers eight hours in a workday times 30 workdays to reach 24,000. Finally, 1 million divided by 24,000 gives you an LTIR of 41.67.

2. Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR)

TRIR is a safety metric that includes all work-related safety incidents that result in death, lost time, days of restricted work, transfer to another job, medical treatment beyond first aid or loss of consciousness.

Measuring TRIR as part of the OSHA safety metrics provides a broad understanding of your company’s safety incidents so you can evaluate performance and identify critical improvement areas.

To calculate TRIR, multiply the total number of reportable incidents by 200,000. Then, divide the result by the total hours worked during the measurement period.

3. Near Miss Rate (NMR)

NMR is a safety metric that is an unplanned event that could have but did not cause injury, illness or damage.

An increasing NMR is an early warning of serious potential hazards so by tracking it you can immediately mitigate these dangerous conditions. Encouraging employees to report near misses promotes a culture of safety and prevention in your workplace

Software can play a crucial role in streamlining this process. Safety management tools like Fluix can provide a centralized platform for reporting, allow people to report near misses in real-time, and can be integrated with other systems for better efficiency.

Read more: Read more: Paper vs. digital: why it’s more secure to manage your safety documentation with software

4. Days Away, Restricted or Transferred (DART)

DART is a safety metric that measures the number of incidents resulting in days away from work, job restrictions or transfers to other duties.

You can calculate the so-called DART rate by multiplying all DART incidents by 200,000, then dividing by the total hours worked during the measurement period. 

Finding your company’s DART rate illuminates the impact of workplace safety failures on productivity. This metric also gives insight into the effectiveness of the company’s training and safety programs.

5. Injury Frequency Rate (IFR)

IFR is a safety metric that indicates the number of injuries over a set number of hours worked, usually per million hours.

It shows how often injuries occur regardless of their severity. The IFR lets you track injury trends over time and compare performance to industry benchmarks or internal targets.

6. Injury Severity Rate (ISR)

ISR is a safety metric that measures the gravity of the injuries occurring, typically by calculating the total number of lost days due to injury per million hours worked.

It helps businesses assess the seriousness of accidents and the effectiveness of safety and health management system in preventing severe injuries.

7. Lost Workday Incident Rate (LWIR)

LWIR is a safety metric that focuses on incidents resulting in missed workdays.

The LWIR only counts days beyond the day of the incident, using a formula similar to that of LTIR.

This metric helps companies gauge the impact of serious accidents on operational efficiency and employee well-being.

8. Training Completion Rate (TCR)

TCR is a metric that tracks the percentage of required safety and health training programs completed by employees.

TRC is one of the commonly used EHS metrics. Tracking the training completion rate ensures that the entire team has the knowledge and skills to perform their jobs safely. High TCRs typically correlate with lower incident rates. This metric highlights the importance of comprehensive safety training.

Read more: Read more: How Siemens Gamesa, a leading wind service provider, reduces the training completion time for their technicians using digital checklists

9. Toolbox Talks Attendance

Toolbox talks are informal safety meetings about specific, current job-site issues.

Tracking attendance at these discussions provides insights into employee engagement with safety practices. High attendance rates suggest a strong safety culture and awareness. You should hold toolbox talks every day, but they don’t need to be longer than 10 or 20 minutes to have a powerful effect. Use the best practices to deliver safety talks, and set an agenda so the team knows what to expect and comes prepared for a productive conversation.

10. Safety Audits Submitted

Safety audits submitted is a metric that refers to the number or status of safety audits that have been submitted or completed.

Companies often conduct safety audits to assess and ensure compliance with safety regulations and protocols, evaluate the effectiveness of safety programs, and identify workplace risks. The results of the audits, documented in safety reports or records, contribute to essential safety documentation.

Tracking the number of safety audits submitted and acted upon shows that the company proactively identifies and mitigates potential hazards. More submitted audits suggest a robust approach to continuous safety improvement.

Making Safety Metrics Work for You

By prioritizing the discussed metrics, your company can ensure a safer work environment while enhancing operational efficiency, employee morale and ultimately your bottom line.

Fluix, a workflow automation tool for safety management, can help you with ensuring safety at your workplace.

By using digital safety checklists, inspection workflows, and a mobile app for safety inspections, you can ensure that safety protocols are followed consistently and comprehensively across your job sites.

And centralized safety documentation and automation of safety-related tasks will reduce the risk of oversight, keeping your people and equipment protected.

Improve Your Workplace Safety and Compliance with Fluix’s Automation

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Improve Your Workplace Safety and Compliance with Fluix’s Automation

Our team is here to help you get started