Paper vs. Digital: Why It’s More Secure to Manage Your Safety Documentation with Software

Iuliia Nesterenko Senior Product Writer
Last Updated

As an ops manager, it’s unlikely that you’ll ever escape the need to manage safety-related documents.

And this isn’t because the world is unfair and wants you to do more admin. It’s because proper documentation plays a vital role in promoting a safe work environment and protecting your people and assets.

And while traditional paper-based systems have long been the norm, things now can become easier for you as digital tools are offering numerous advantages, security and real-time updates to name a few.

Let’s see how using safety management software like Fluix can make the process more efficient for everyone: field teams, safety managers, risk analysts, and executives.

The Risks of Paper Documentation

Due to its physical nature, paper documentation poses several challenges that can compromise the effectiveness of safety management. 

These include the risk of documents being lost, damaged, or misplaced, which can lead to critical information being inaccessible when you need it the most. Paper documents can be destroyed or rendered illegible due to environmental factors such as water damage or wear and tear.

Additionally, with paper you don’t have efficient tracking mechanisms, making it difficult to monitor the progress or changes.

The lack of accessibility and flexibility needed in today’s fast-paced work environments makes it challenging to share and collaborate on one document.

Advantages of Automation Software

Obviously, software isn’t the holy grail. It’s as good as you use it. Yet, even the basic functionality of digital documentation compared to paper would simplify your life in so many ways. 

  • Increased security measures

Digital safety documentation platforms offer enhanced security measures compared to traditional paper. With features such as encryption, access controls, and audit trails, you have greater protection against unauthorized access, tampering, or loss of sensitive information.

Read more: Read more: Digital audit trails and 9 more features Fluix has for managing HSE securely

  • Accessibility and ease of retrieval

Unlike paper documents, which may require manual searching or sorting through physical files, digital documents can be quickly accessed, searched, and retrieved using keywords or filters. 

You can easily locate the information you need, whether in the office or out in the field.

  • Real-time updates and version control capabilities

Access to the most up-to-date information ensures that everyone is working from the same set of documents, reducing the risk of errors or discrepancies due to outdated information. 

Additionally, version control features allow users to track changes, revert to previous versions if needed, and maintain a comprehensive audit trail of document revisions.

Here is a table with more feature comparisons.

Paper DocumentationAutomation Software
SecurityLimited security, susceptible to loss or damageEnhanced security features (encryption, access controls, audit trails)
AccessibilityDocuments are difficult to access and retrieve, especially in remote locations or during emergenciesEasy accessibility from any location with internet access
Version controlManual version control, prone to errors and inconsistenciesAutomated version control ensures that all users are working from the most up-to-date documents
CollaborationLimited collaboration capabilities, difficult to share and collaborate on documents with multiple stakeholdersАacilitated sharing and collaboration on documents, allowing multiple users to work on the same document simultaneously
EfficiencyTime-consuming manual processes for document creation, distribution, and managementStreamlined workflows and automated processes save time and effort, increasing efficiency and productivity
Compliance managementChallenges in ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements due to manual processesEnsured adherence to regulatory requirements, with automated tracking and reporting capabilities
Disaster recoveryVulnerable to loss or damage in the event of a disasterData stored securely in the cloud with backup and disaster recovery measures

Use Case Examples

We understand that digitalization can seem like an abstract concept detached from your immediate needs. 

Here are some examples to illustrate how you can apply safety software in real-world contexts, bringing its benefits to life. 


Current process: You’re a general contractor that relies heavily on paper for managing safety protocols and compliance records. Your field workers often struggle with accessing up-to-date information, leading to delays and errors in project execution.

Transition to software: You digitize safety manuals and inspection checklists. Field workers can access documents in real-time via mobile devices, enabling them to reference updated policies, report safety hazards, and capture digital signatures for compliance documentation.

Benefits: Improved collaboration, better safety compliance, safer work environment, and reduced risk of accidents.

One of our construction clients, a crane company Dyna Crane Services, uses Fluix to digitally back-up their safety documents and get them available on-demand for inspection. 

Quoting their administration manager Leanne Lawrence: “In our industry, safety is paramount; regulations are very strict, and audits are frequent. We use Fluix to create audit checklists and safety documents because it allows us to do immediate sign-offs onsite. This way, auditors can look at the records in one system.”

Discover more tactics in Dyna Crane Services’ success story

Renewable Energy 

Current process: You’re a wind turbine farm that uses safety protocols and incident reporting through manual paper forms, leading to delays in incident response and difficulty in tracking safety trends. With expanding operations, paper-based processes are becoming increasingly inefficient and error-prone.

Transition to digital: You digitize incident reporting, safety checklists, and employee training records. Workers use mobile devices to report incidents in real-time, access digital safety checklists, and complete training modules remotely.

Benefits: Improved incident response, reduced accident risk, efficient training management.

One of our customers, a German energy company RWE, uses Fluix to send safety observation cards while their technicians are offline. As soon as a Wi-Fi connection is available, the observation cards are submitted to be uploaded into the company’s software. 

Quoting their maintenance engineer James Bird: “The fact that you can use Fluix offline is an absolute must for us. It means that technicians can work on a boat, from their car, or from the top of a turbine.”

Discover more tactics in RWE’s success story


Current process: You’re an aviation company that relies on manual paper-based processes for safety inspections, aircraft maintenance logs, and pilot training documentation. With a large fleet of aircraft and stringent safety regulations, paper-based systems lead to inefficiencies, delays in maintenance, and difficulty in tracking compliance.

Transition to digital: You digitize safety inspection checklists, maintenance logs, and pilot training records. Aviation technicians use tablets to conduct safety inspections electronically, access digital maintenance manuals, and complete required training modules online.

Benefits: Streamlined safety Inspections, optimized aircraft maintenance, efficient pilot training.

The Ultimate Guide
to Safety Inspections

Essential tools, customizable templates, and expert tactics to help you improve your inspection process

How Fluix Can Help You Manage HSE Documentation Securely

Fluix is workflow automation software that simplifies processes for safety-critical businesses that rely on paper a lot. How do we do it?

Encryption and Data Protection

With Fluix, your HSE documentation is safeguarded by encryption and data protection measures. Your sensitive information is encrypted both in transit and at rest, ensuring that it remains secure and confidential at all times.

Access Control and User Permissions

We provide granular access control and user permissions, allowing you to control who can view, edit, or distribute safety documents within your organization. 

With customizable permission settings, you can ensure that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive documents, reducing the risk of data breaches.

Audit Trails and Activity Logging for Accountability

Fluix offers comprehensive audit trails and activity logging features that provide a detailed record of all interactions with your documentation. 

From document views and edits to file downloads and submissions, every action is logged and timestamped for accountability. This allows you to track document history, monitor user activity, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

Version Control and Document History

Fluix’s version control feature allows you to track changes made to safety documents over time. This ensures that every revision is recorded, along with details such as the user who made the changes and the timestamp. 

With this functionality, users can easily review document history, compare different versions, and identify any discrepancies or unauthorized alterations. 

Secure Cloud Storage

With secure cloud storage, you can confidently store your safety documentation in a centralized location, accessible anytime, anywhere, with proper authentication.

Compliance with Regulatory Standards

First, Fluix is ISO is an 27001 certified tool, in addition to adherence to other industry-standard security protocols and strict compliance. 

Whether it’s OSHA regulations, GDPR or HIPAA standards, or industry-specific guidelines, we provide customizable workflows that align with regulatory requirements. 

Ongoing Support and Updates

Fluix offers ongoing support and regular software updates to improve functionality, usability, and security. This includes access to a dedicated support team that can assist with any technical issues, questions, or concerns related to safety documentation management. 

In short, every aspect of safety documentation can be handled more efficiently in Fluix than with paper. From streamlined data entry to automated workflows to cloud back up, we offer comprehensive solutions to ensure you data is protected and is readily accessible for informed decision-making.

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