75 Evaluation Questions to Review and Improve Your Performance as a Manager

Iuliia Nesterenko Senior Product Writer
Last Updated

The mere fact of being in a management position doesn’t make you a good manager. What makes you a good manager is having the job done on time, and the ability to recognize talent and fit it into your team in such a way so that people discover their strengths and apply them to the full extent. 

To do it right, you need the following skills:

  • Communication. Strong communication skills enable you to clearly explain tasks, be transparent about organizational changes, and share your vision with the team so that everyone understands where you;re going and what their role is in this transition.
  • Decision-making. Leading important meetings, analyzing complex processes, or building and developing an effective team require an ability to consider several viewpoints and make solutions based on it. 
  • Goal orientation: As a manager, you need to understand your team’s goals, prioritize initiatives and clearly communicate them to people involved.
  • Leadership: A leader doesn’t only effectively assign tasks, but also gives people flexibility to offer their own solutions to complete these tasks. Providing constructive feedback and helping people develop themselves continuously should also be incorporated into your management style. 
  • Self-evaluation: Regular personal assessment of management skills keeps managers aware of things they do great and things that need improvements. 

In any matter, reflection and manager self-assessment are one of the methods that allow you to understand your current managing strengths, and see what actions are needed to multiply them. It’s also vital for continual improvement of the strategies and approaches that impact your team’s performance and success.

Find below a list of self-review questions, organized into three major categories, that will help you improve your management skills, establish healthy relationships with your team, and give them the necessary tools to fulfill their tasks. 


Evaluation of communication across teams and manager self-assessment need to be systematic processes. When performed consistently, they help you learn whether your team has all tools necessary to collaborate on the projects as well as reduce uncertainties and data gaps between project stages.

  1. Do you have a centralized communication strategy?
  2. Who is involved in its development?
  3. Who is responsible for its implementation?
  4. Do you have a standardized norm for communication? 
  5. Is it applicable to communication between both individuals and groups? 
  6. Is security of confidential and sensitive information ensured?
  7. What platforms are used for communication?
  8. What is the objective behind choosing these platforms?
  9. What are the goals of using these tools, and are they met?
  10. Whose decision is it to use these platforms? 
  11. Are these platforms a good fit financially? 
  12. Who manages these platforms?
  13. Are the goals of using these platforms clearly defined and explained to teams? 
  14. How often are the tools used? By whom?
  15. Does everyone have access to the tools?
  16. Is everyone educated on how to use them properly?
  17. Are they convenient to use?
  18. Are they supported for all devices and operating systems? 
  19. How is the team motivated to use the tools?
  20. Does using the tools have an impact on collaboration?
  21. Does using the tools have an impact on project performance?
  22. What is the communication problem solved with these tools?
  23. What is the best collaboration outcome achieved with these tools?
  24. Do you collect feedback from people using these platforms?
  25. Do you provide appropriate feedback? 

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Project Management

Project evaluation and manager self-evaluation consists of collecting and analyzing information about all the stages of the project. To do it properly, it’s better to record and organize the information starting from the pre-project estimation and planning. 

By tracking step by step, you’ll end up informed about possible blockers before they occur, minimizing the risk of failure and rework. Using the professional project management software like Fluix can help store all data in one platform, make it available for all stakeholders, as well as integrate with other apps you may be using for analysis.

  1. What is the objective behind launching this project?
  2. Are the goals of the project clearly defined? 
  3. Is the organizational structure of the project built properly? 
  4. What processes are planned within the project?
  5. Do you have enough resources to complete the project?
  6. Do you have the right mix of skills to complete the project?
  7. Are key performers available to the team? 
  8. Do team members need to communicate with performers outside the project team? 
  9. How is this communication managed?
  10. Does the team understand expectations of the project?
  11. Are project roles and responsibilities clearly defined and explained?
  12. Is the communication on the project consistent and complete? 
  13. What can be improved or changed in the project communication? 
  14. Is leadership involved enough in project-related decision making? 
  15. Are project objectives completed successfully?
  16. Is every person involved satisfied with the result?
  17. Do the project results justify the resource inputs? 
  18. How is the progress monitored? 
  19. How is the progress communicated to the team?
  20. Do you meet all set deadlines? 
  21. What types of unexpected problems appear in the process?
  22. What can be a project blocker? 
  23. What is learned in the process of implementation?
  24. Who is responsible for analysis? 
  25. How can the things learned be applied to other projects?

Team Performance 

Team performance and employee reviews are often said to have little impact on the performance and project delivery because managers ask the wrong performance and self-appraisal questions.

To disclose true employee motivations, and goals as well as perform leadership qualities self-assessment, you need to ask targeted questions and demonstrate insights into the big picture.

  1. What is the team’s purpose?
  2. Who is on the team, and what are their roles and responsibilities?
  3. What makes them the best fit for these positions?
  4. Are the team members’ strengths and weaknesses evaluated and acknowledged?
  5. What strengths help perform the corresponding responsibilities effectively?
  6. What skills can be used more effectively?
  7. Is there any skill gap? How to fill it?
  8. What can be improved in the team’s structure? 
  9. Does the hierarchy of the team prove to be effective? 
  10. What is the main goal the team has to achieve?
  11. How are the goals measured?
  12. How is the progress monitored?
  13. What is the biggest result the team has achieved so far?
  14. What result is the team least proud of?
  15. How can this result be improved in the future?
  16. How is the team motivated to perform better?
  17. Is the team involved in decision-making?  
  18. What professional growth opportunities are provided?
  19. What things were most/least helpful for development?
  20. What things will help the team grow and develop?
  21. What working conditions prove to be the most productive?
  22. What can be done to improve the working conditions?
  23. Is constructive feedback delivered as needed? 
  24. How does the team prefer to receive feedback?
  25. Does the team have opportunities to give feedback?

If after evaluating your management skills, you see that poor communication and non-centralized project data prevent you from meeting deadlines, our specialists can offer you help. At Fluix, we have 8 years of serving remote teams and frontline workers, and the right tools to change the way you work for good. Start your free 14-day trial to see how we can help your business scale and stay competitive.

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