Customer Success Story

Digitized Workflows
Save Synergy 1.3 Million Sheets of Paper


  • Manually completing and printing paper forms
  • Limited access to valuable data gathered in forms
  • Restricted flexibility in meeting the evolving needs of the Californian utilities industry


  • Form completion time has decreased significantly. So far, printing and related costs for over 1.3 million sheets of paper have been eliminated
  • Greater control over the flow of data coming through from forms, accessible all in one place
  • Fluix supports Synergy’s sustainable growth ambitions, and empowers the company to meet the needs of its clients

“When our utility company clients need their customers to sign service agreements, we don’t have to think for a second about the solution because we already have it – Fluix!”

Ale Garofalo, Corporate IT Director


Synergy is a US energy and water efficiency contractor that specializes in helping Californians to increase energy efficiency and comfort and lower utility bills at their residences and businesses.

Founded in San Francisco in 1981, the company’s 40+ years of dedication to understanding energy efficiency has propelled them to their current status as the largest energy services company in California.

The company offers a wide range of energy conservation and cost-saving solutions, as well as free energy audits conducted by specialists who are experts at assessing HVAC needs.

Synergy joined Fluix in 2016, and since then the company has utilized the power of digitization to achieve sustainable success year-on-year.


Synergy’s office team relied solely on Adobe Acrobat for the distribution of forms to clients and installation teams, and the forms also needed to be printed. The company began searching for a solution to help their teams to fill out and submit forms on iOS devices, as well as connecting field teams to the office in real-time.

  • Paper-based forms needed to be printed and manually completed, resulting in the loss of time and money that could be invested in other areas of the business.
  • Complex forms with custom JavaScript code made it difficult for the office team to quickly customize or pre-fill form fields.
  • No straightforward way to access valuable data insights from forms.

Workflow Solutions Implemented

Synergy’s main goal was to bring efficiency to their daily flow of work, but they also needed a solution that could consistently grow alongside them to meet the future needs of their clients. Workflows in Fluix allowed Synergy to gain insights into the work carried out by their teams, as well as making life easier for teams working onsite with clients.

Fully Digital Forms With Pre-Fill Option

Digitizing their forms brought time and cost savings to Synergy, but it was how they further optimized their forms that proved to be a game-changer. Pre-fillable form fields optimized the onsite form completion process for teams, giving them more time to dedicate to urgent tasks while also creating a better experience for clients.

Workflows Bolster Productivity Across Teams

Synergy’s automated workflows in Fluix are tailored to the services the company offers to its clients. Heating and cooling system inspection forms, technician appointment scheduling forms, and customer feedback forms are just some of the documents at the heart of each workflow. Synergy also uses Fluix to distribute internal HR hiring packages and forms for every employee.

Data Insights Help With Growth Mindset Decision-Making

Efficient document management helps HVAC and utility contractors to fully leverage the data they’re working with. Access to reliable data gathered during the form filling process allows Synergy to plan ahead to ensure that they continue to meet the needs of their clients.


Time and costs saved on paper and printing were among the first benefits that Synergy saw after implementing Fluix, but it’s the sustainable competitive advantage they’ve built that will keep ROI flowing long into the future.

  • Digital Forms With Custom Fields
    Synergy’s teams use Fluix to create, fill-in, and securely submit forms that are truly fit-for-purpose, with full flexibility to capture the most vital data as efficiently as possible.
  • Efficient, Digitized Workflows
    Granular insight into the workflows of their teams and the data they gather helps Synergy to confidently make key business decisions. The company’s clients have also benefited, with Fluix making it easier for them to gather service agreement signatures.
  • Sustainable Growth Into the Future
    Time and money saved through digitizing operations with Fluix can be reinvested into core growth areas of Synergy’s business. This helps to ensure that Synergy can continue to meet the ever-evolving needs of their clients in the Californian utilities industry.

Key Highlights




Documents Completed


Active Workflows

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