Fluix Featured Among World’s Top Construction Management and Workflow Management Platforms

Jenny Butler Customer Experience & Events Manager
Last Updated

We are happy to announce that SoftwareWorld named Fluix as one of the top software of 2020 in two categories – Construction management and Workflow management.

Software world is a software review platform that showcases top software solutions suitable for various industries and provides a comprehensive review service. It is considered a reputable review platform as the rating is based on a number of unbiased factors: 

  • user satisfaction (reviews & ratings); 
  • social media buzz;
  • online presence;
  • pricing;
  • customer base.

“Recognition by SoftwareWorld is an important milestone for us,” says Ray Astafichev, the Head of Growth at Fluix. “We view this achievement as an indicator that we succeed in helping our customers get their functional job done and satisfying their wants and needs.”

This year is pretty fruitful for Fluix in terms of recognition by various independent third-party ratings. In July we wrote about being featured by G2 in their summer reports. At the same time, Capterra has added us to their top-20 list of the best digital signature solutions. 

We want to thank our users for their appreciation and trust as these ratings are partially based on social signals that could be collected online in addition to expert evaluations.

Want to learn more about Fluix providing the solution to all documentation-related processes of construction teams (report preparation, annotation of drawings, filling up construction site safety checklist and more)? Check here