
Toolbox Talk Made Simple

Under the dusty conditions on construction sites that seems hard to dwell upon on each point of the “How to act right around a crane” checklist. The same can be said for pilots, engineers, and everyone taking part in safety meetings. You see, paper gets marked and strained very easily. And hardly ever the workers have an extra pocket for keeping all those toolbox talk papers at their side. It's not like putting documentation on an iPad — when every document flows by its route, gets to the right person for signing, and ends up in the right folder.
Let’s see how these smoothly flowing processes can be built within an iPad and software.

The inner side of Safety Toolbox Talk

By and large, the toolbox talk is a kind of safety meeting where safety topics are discussed with workers prior to the commencement of a job or work shift. These are all about must-do and mustn’t-do activities around the jobsite the team is working on as well as know the ways to avoid unsafe conditions or any hazards. The anatomy of a toolbox talk is pretty simple:

  • A responsible person standing behind the safety toolbox meeting
  • The documents sharing the needful materials
  • A group of people involved in the process of learning

Before the team starts working on a project, a manager or a supervisor prepares learning materials and toolbox talk forms. The next step is defining the people who receive these documents and the ways they confirm they get everything right. Usually, the last stage is signing the document — no sign, no toolbox talk. Therefore, the document itself, or, it’s better to say, the form has to be made of fields for filling in supervisor and employee’s name as well as their signature.

So, the pre steps are done. What’s next?

The toolbox talk app to organize the process

Here is the very moment for software break-in. Fluix allows mapping up the documentation route with all the participants and deadlines, including the storage from which toolbox talk templates start their flow throughout the workflow and then fall into.

The flowchart shows the route toolbox talks.

  1. A Supervisor/Safety Manager takes the toolbox talk and assigns it to the field team
  2. The field team learns the safety rules, fills out the empty fields, and signs the form
  3. The completed and signed toolbox talk is uploaded to the folder at company storage

That was the simplest workflow built in Fluix. Now let’s look at the benefits you get with the organized flow.

Distribute Toolbox Talks Faster & Easier
Instruct on safety measure
Record safety discussions
Reduce incident rates
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Making safety toolbox talks mindful and productive

The principal component of toolbox talks is a variety of documentation of all kinds. There may be recommendations covering a variety of topics, from traffic control protection on the road to high wind dangers. And an automated route within Fluix is a thread by which all of these documents are always available and ensure team’s safety.

  • Managing deadlines to keep meetings on schedule. While distributing toolbox talks for field workers to learn, the supervisors set up deadlines to ensure that everyone passes out a course on time. The supervisor can group and distribute documents for training among a specific group of fieldworkers at the same time, or different documents can be grouped and customized to follow for one person at a time, with deadlines during which each person must review and learn the document.
  • Secure cloud storage with a granular access as a last waypoint in the route for the signed toolbox talks. Fluix offers its own built-in cloud storage, as well as the option to integrate with popular services such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, Office 365, and other cloud storage providers.
  • Pre-defined documentation flows throughout the complete process that guarantees that no document falls between the chairs.
  • Control functions for supervisors to follow the process in real time and make adjustments on-the-go.
  • Toolbox talk signoff directly from site. The mobile app empowers field teams to access and complete toolbox talks from an Ipad or iPhone, being offline on remote locations.
  • Data analysis capabilities. Fluix allows data analysts to work with the data extracted from completed mobile forms, and provides sites and managers with job results and points to improve upon.

Advice from practice

It’s not a secret that preparation of toolbox talk materials takes up time, and paperwork doesn’t sound exciting. Our advice to you is to choose a software that makes it easy to digitize the existing forms or create new ones from scratch without special IT skills and Adobe license. This is what will ease the flow and save you many days a month.

Safety Toolbox Meetings Get Better