Progress & Results

Activity Status 

The Activity Status section was built to help you track the progress of the work done, oversee the site team’s activity, and take action if something is delayed or goes wrong. Activity status is also tailored to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of data flow in your Fluix account. 

What tasks does Activity Status solve?

This functionality’s primary advantage is empowering Fluix Admins with project management and reporting tool that enhance efficiency in data compilation, filtering, and generating actionable insights. Explore a detailed overview of this feature below.

  • Data Compilation and Filtering. Search and filter data in your account quickly using the date period picker. This will also help you better understand the status of various projects or tasks your team is involved in, providing an in-depth analysis of overall team performance.
  • Tracking Process Details. You may check the process history, track the task completion time, download the forms submitted within the task, troubleshoot, or take action if needed.
  • Customizable Reports. Customize reports to explore more detailed information about processes or forms, including initiation times, task stages, participants, etc.
  • Sharing Data with Your Team. Activity Status offers a simple method to share default or customized reports to add more transparency within your team.
  • Reassigning Tasks to other team members. Specific tasks within the ToDo or InProgress stages can be reassigned to either the entire group responsible for their completion or to an individual within that group. This action is typically taken when a task assigned to a specific user encounters circumstances due to which they may not be able to finish them (e.g. sickness, absence).
  • Suspending and Resuming the Process. In the Fluix Admin portal, you can temporarily Suspend and subsequently Resume specific processes for all users as required. This feature is beneficial, especially when clients need to temporarily pause ongoing processes to await final responses or decisions pertaining to deals.

Activity Status overview

The Activity Status tab of the Admin Portal tracks progress and oversees site team activity if something is delayed or goes wrong. Additionally, it analyzes the current project’s overall workload and shares this data with your team members for further analysis.

By default, the Activity Status section shows the current state of things based on the Processes in your account. In such a scenario, data will be filtered to show the processes from all the Taskstreams in your account. This section contains the following information by default:

Process. The ID of the process and the name of the Taskstream where this process was initially started. The ID contains the first letters of the Taskstream name and numbers.

– Stage. The name of the form’s current task and assignee information (group/user name/guest name).

– Task Status. The status of the current tasks from the process (in case there are parallel tasks, few statuses will be displayed at the same time):

  1. ToDo. The task was assigned to a group and is not in progress;
  2. In Progress. The task was taken by any of the users from the group;
  3. Finished. All tasks from the Taskstream were finished;
  4. Failed. One of the service tasks has failed (upload to folder/send by email);
  5. Overdue. The Due time has expired.
  6. Suspended. The process was temporarily paused by Admin. In such cases, the tasks disappear from the users’ User app and return if the Admin resumes the process by selecting them and clicking the “Resume” button in the Activity status section.

– Last Action. The latest time when there was any action with the chosen task.

– Duration. A timeframe between the beginning of the process and the current time or until the finished status of the whole process.

Additionally, it is possible to customize the table in the Activity Status section by adding specific columns and deleting those that may seem unnecessary.

You may also change the view type of the data in the Activity Status:

  • By Process – to check the data based on the whole process that your team is working on;
  • By Form – to track actions done with the form configured in the respective Taskstream. It also provides our admins with an additional angle of view to monitor progress done on forms and identify bottlenecks or other issues on time.

In case you have any additional questions about the functionality, contact us at to learn more about it.

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Process Status Details

To check the details of the respective process, in the Process View, select the process that you would like to get more insights on and click Show Details.

There you will see the task’s history, track how much time taken by the group to complete the task, download the forms that were submitted within the task, troubleshoot, or take actions if needed.
The Process Details block on the left side of the screen, by default, shows information from the beginning of the flow and the current status of this process. On the right side, you will see an overview of the whole Taskstream setup. In case you need to make any changes to the Taskstream, click Edit Initial Taskstream to open the Taskstream builder in edit mode.

To check the history of the respective task, click on the blue arrow next to the task name. 

In the Details section, Fluix will mirror the Task Description from the Taskstream builder so that you have a complete overview of what the user who initiated the start of this process needed to do in this task.
The Task History section will show the email of the task’s performer. Forms in the Stage section store the version of the form that was submitted by the user or guest. You may view or download the form the user was working on.

Let’s check what the Process Details look like in the example of the two flows:

– successfully submitted;

– failed process.

Success Flow:
The user finished working on the respective task, hence it was successfully submitted to the path preconfigured in the submit action Upload to storage. Cloud storage will show the storage where the completed form will be stored: Fluix Storage or Third-party storage. The path section will show the directory where the submitted form will be stored. In the Attached forms section, you may download the form by clicking on the Download icon.

Failed Flow:
The user submitted the task to the preconfigured submit action Send by email; however, due to various reasons (e.g., typo in the email address, not existing email address, etc.), the process to which the task relates failed to be submitted. The submit action where the issue occurred will be highlighted in red. Click on the arrow next to the submit action to check the details.

There, you may check the email addresses to which the documents should have been submitted, therefore, you may check if the user who submitted the task might have mistyped the respective email address.

In case you experience issues understanding why the process failed, contact us at to learn more about the issue.

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Actions in Activity Status 

Manage tasks efficiently by moving, pausing, or reassigning them in bulk from the admin portal, streamlining workload distribution. By selecting any process, you can perform the following actions:

  • Show DetailsOpen the Process Details page to see a full overview of the process (e.g., who finished the task and how much time it took them to complete it). You can learn more about it by following the link to the article on Process Status Details.
  • Move TaskThis action applies to tasks in the To Do or In Progress status. You may move tasks one by one or in bulk to the next stage of the process, e.g., from one Group to another. This feature will be helpful in case processes are stuck on certain steps that may not be relevant to complete at this point.
    Please note: if there are empty required fields in the task you move in the bulk, you will see the respective notification about it, but you will be able to move it further.
  • Reassign task—This action applies to tasks in the To Do or In Progress status. You may reassign tasks back to the group that performs them or to an individual from this group. This is usually done if the task assigned to a particular user gets stuck because the user is out of the office or sick or cannot proceed with the task submission for other reasons.

    Reassigning a User task:

    You may reassign the task to the Group or individual user from the Group. In this case, the task will be withdrawn from the current assignee and transferred to another one (or to the Group), with changes made by the current one saved being online. The new assignee will receive the task in the To Do section of the app.
  • Reassigning a Guest task:

    You may resubmit the task via email or SMS. Select one of the options to send a link to the new guest user to access the task.
  • Suspend—This action applies to tasks in the To Do or In Progress status. Pause the process for a while and resume it if necessary. This option will be useful in case the current stage of the process is on hold for various reasons.
    When a User task is suspended, it disappears from the respective user’s To Do or In Progress sections in the app.

    When the Guest task is suspended, access to the document will be blocked; hence, if the Guest User tries to open it, he will see a notification that it is unavailable.

    In case the process needs to be resumed, navigate to Activity Status -> select this process and click Resume in the right corner.
  • Delete—delete the whole process in case it is irrelevant.

If you need our assistance, feel free to contact us at We are always here to help!

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Widgets in Activity Status

Widgets with the results of your team’s activity in Fluix will significantly help since they allow admins to check data at a glance without the need to dive into the table view of the report. By default, there are four widgets related to the Process view on the screen:

  1. Processes Finished means the total number of finished processes added to the report according to the selected filters.
  2. Processes In Progress means the number of processes that were assigned to groups, users, or guests and are now in the ToDo and InProgress stages. 
  3. Processes Failed means that specific service tasks within the process have failed to be uploaded to the configured paths, sent by email, or shared to third-party platforms like HubSpot, Salesforce, etc and these processes require the admin’s attention. 
  4. Overall Process Duration is calculated as the total time users or guests spent working on the processes in the report. 

In case you have any additional questions about the functionality, contact us at to learn more about it.

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Filtering Data in the Activity Status

Fluix Activity Status is powered by the Smart Search functionality that allows you to filter the data based on certain parameters: 

Assignee filters the processes by the particular user or group who is assigned to perform the task. The list of users and groups can be selected in the dropdown menu.
– Task status
filters the processes by To Do, In Progress, Finished, Failed, Deleted, and Suspended statuses.
Condition filters the processes to show those that are Overdue or Undelivered so that you can contact the user/group/guest and follow up about the task’s progress.
Taskstream name filter can be used if you want to check all the processes for the respective Taskstream. You may fill out either the full Taskstream name to filter the processes or the abbreviation of the Taskstream.
– Task name
filters the active processes based on the name you fill out in the Smart Search. 
– Form name filter will display the processes where the respective form is used. Fill out the form name in the Search bar to find its related process.
Simply click on Search & Filter and select additional filters you would like to apply to your report.

The search and filtering can be performed using several filters at the same time to narrow down the search and make your report even more precise. After applying specific filters to the search, the widgets will automatically display the information based on the selected filters. 

On the right, you may select the timeframe for which you can filter the processes in the account. Select the suggested Last Action Period from the list of available filters or set a Custom Range.

In case you have any additional questions about the functionality, contact us at to learn more about it.

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