Business Process Modeling

Modeling is the only reliable method to get a “big picture” perspective on business processes that collectively make up daily operations. Business process modeling aligns workflows with the larger goals of an organization. Mapping and modeling are the best ways to achieve more transparency in every aspect of operations, from low-level tasks up to processes and workflows, and pursue an agile approach to optimization.

What Is Business Process Modeling?

Modeling is a conceptual approach that integrates business workflows reported on business process maps with key performance indicators to determine how closely day-to-day operations correspond to the stated goals, mission or objectives of an organization. Combining detail-oriented process maps and sweeping process models can help any organization reach peak efficiency.

Stakeholders should recognize that business process maps and models are living documents that require revision over time. As improvements are made or processes and workflows are reengineered, the procedures in a map are likely to change. Improved productivity may indicate new objectives for an organization to pursue that require updates to business process models.

Get a New Perspective on Processes

Overseeing the big picture and fine details of operations and drawing accurate conclusions from observations can be challenging for stakeholders in any organization. Modeling is most useful for guiding workflow in the right direction, while mapping accounts for every subprocess.

By pairing process models and maps, stakeholders can gain new insights into the day-to-day operations and overarching goals of an organization. Process modeling is particularly useful for encouraging introspection regarding significant portions of a workflow that have the potential for more far-reaching operational changes. The following measures are essential to this type of procedural analysis:

  • Modeling: Represent organizational performance as a procedural model for analysis.
  • Management:Manage workflow in accordance with business process maps and models.
  • Improvement: Take measures to optimize processes and workflows based on process maps and models.
  • Reengineering: Change processes or update workflows with new approaches or tools.

A process model can grow out of procedural maps of day-to-day operations. Models set long-term goals for an organization, along with agile objectives. Once processes have been mapped and modeled, these representations of workflow can inform strategic approaches to management, improvement and reengineering.

The most accurate process maps and models are based on audit trails and transactional records that are automatically maintained by Fluix software. This workflow management platform also supports the implementation of changes, such as digital or intelligent automation. As such, it can contribute directly toward targeted or broad changes that should then be reflected on updated maps and models.

Through the type of assessment that takes place in business process mapping and modeling and the implementation of improvements or reengineering, an organization can achieve set productivity goals while following best practices and satisfying quality standards. An organization that pursues actionable changes based on process models may also be aligned to surpass the competition based on its ability to adapt to changes in industry-specific and broader market circumstances.

Business Process Modeling Tools

The first procedural approaches to business modeling date back to the turn of the century. The development of the Gantt Chart in 1899 and flow charts in the 1920s paved the way toward Functional Flow and Data Flow charts. The emergence of these systems in the 1950s through 1970s coincided with systematized approaches to process mapping and modeling in engineering and business.

Just as process mapping originated in the fields of mechanical and industrial engineering, the term was coined by the systems engineer S. Williams in a 1967 article titled “Business Process Modeling Improves Administrative Control.” This approach to modeling processes for physical control systems was also extrapolated into the corporate world.

By the 1990s, process modeling was a popular term among productivity consultants who redefined what is modeling in business. Similar concepts emerged in the technology sector as software process modeling. The universal applicability of the concepts of modeling across the engineering, business and technology sectors led to the development of workflow management software that unites features of mapping and modeling to support analysis, management and improvement.

The main advantage of a workflow management platform such as Fluix is the creation of an audit trail that is visible in real time as well as records of past transactions. This documentation is invaluable for business process mapping. The capacity to automate certain processes in a workflow increases the actionability of these plans, while analytics and reporting features make it possible to assess whether operations align with a process model or changes could be implemented to achieve productivity or other organizational objectives.

Process Modeling and Management

A working process model is essential to effective organizational management. A model sets the direction for the workflow, and all improvements to productivity should take an organization closer to attaining or surpassing specified goals. Workflow management software is the best way to track and improve processes with results that should be reflected on updated business process maps and models.

Organizations need a framework for management or governance in place to manage ongoing operations, let alone take meaningful measures to improve or reengineer processes. The right enterprise workflow management program makes it possible for organizational leaders, members and stakeholders to assess and optimize workflows.

Modeling and mapping go hand in hand. It may prove difficult, if not impossible, to achieve goals without taking practical and specifically defined measures to optimize operations. Business process maps should account for every action and task that makes up the component processes of an organizational workflow. When it comes to modeling, stakeholders should account for super-processes to direct workflow toward one or more defined objectives.

Business process management involves directing and monitoring performance of every element of a process. Creating an accurate map and optimizing specific tasks, subprocesses and processes ensures that operations lead towards the goals set forth in a process model or operational mission.

A workflow management program is the easiest way to coordinate every aspect of a process map and model. Workflow management software provides the tools necessary to model the workflow of any organization. For instance, Fluix automatically generates audit trails with real-time visibility and offers change management capabilities such as automation, secure distribution, signature capture and support for collaboration. Request a free demo to find out how accurate and actionable business process modeling can support improvement or reengineering to enhance operational efficiency.

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