Help > Documents > Feature Tutorials > Interacting with other apps | Open In to Fluix workflows

Interacting with other apps | Open In to Fluix workflows

You can open documents located in any app on your device, in the Fluix app and immediately push them to a pre-configured workflow.

To see how it works, set up the workflow on the Fluix Admin portal. You’ll need to create a new workflow by selecting Other Apps as a document source. Then, choose the submit rule. Once the workflows are created, click Publish to activate them.

If there is more than one workflow configured to accept documents from Other Apps, then users will get a list of the workflows to choose from on the iPad or iPhone. Just name the workflows accordingly so that the user could distinguish the necessary one among the others. 

Document flow on the device

Select a document on your iPad or iPhone that you want to push to Fluix. The document might come from any mobile app (Email app, Cloud storage app, etc. ), or web app. Tap the sharing icon in the upper right corner and choose ‘Open in Fluix’.

In the pop-up message select Push to Workflow.

If there is more than one workflow configured for this user to accept documents from external applications, then the user will get a list of such workflows to choose from:

The document will then be placed under the ‘Drafts’ tab.

Once you open the document, Submit button will appear in the upper right corner with the submit actions pre-configured by your company administrator.

Once the document is submitted, it will then be moved to Completed or any other section in accordance with the configurations made in this workflow.

If you choose a ‘Save a Local Copy’ option on the pop-up message above, the document will be saved to the ‘Personal’ tab and the automatic submit actions won’t be applied to it.

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