Help > Documents > Use Case Tutorials > How to manage training materials, track trainees’ work, and automate documenting training sessions.

How to manage training materials, track trainees’ work, and automate documenting training sessions.

Fluix is a web and mobile-based cloud platform that enables teams to digitize document management and automate workflows across various industries.

With Fluix, you can:

Use Case Example

Option 1: Upload and Organize Training Materials in Fluix Storage

Step 1: Upload Training Materials

  1. Log into your Fluix Admin account.
  2. Navigate to Workflow setup > File Storage in the Fluix Admin Portal.
  3. Click Upload Files to add the training materials. The files can be incorporated into workflows and distributed among users.

Fluix’s built-in cloud storage simplifies document organization and management. You may utilize it as a source for document templates and a destination for submitted documents in workflows.

Step 2: Organize Materials into Folders

Create folders for different training programs with the New Folder button in the top right corner.

Option 2: Connect your company storage to Fluix.

Step 1: Connect your company storage

  1. Log into your Fluix Admin account;
  2. Navigate to Workflow setup > Integrations section;
  3. Click on Connect Storage button, and select the storage you want Fluix to grant access to. You will see a sidebar with all the available storages to connect:

Step 2: Configure Remote Storage

Once connected, storage may have different statuses:

Enable email notifications under Settings > Email Notifications section to receive notifications if storage disconnects.

Step 3: Create a Workflow and Add Participants

You can assign workflows to individual users or groups. In this case, two groups will participate:

Once participants are added, a list will appear in the left-hand sidebar. You can rearrange, replace, delete, or add new participants as needed.

Document Distribution to Pilot Trainees

The training forms are distributed to the Pilot trainees to ensure they receive the necessary educational materials. This process helps standardize training procedures and guarantees all trainees have access to the same information.

The Cabinet document source is ideal for distributing the files that are stored on remote storage, making them accessible for a group of users. When documents appear via Cabinet, they are available for viewing to the entire group, however, only 1 user can start working on it by assigning it to himself. Once assigned to a particular user, the document becomes unavailable to the rest of the group.

Step 4: Configure the Cabinet Document Source

  1. Select Cabinet as the document source.
  2. Choose the connected storage and specify the root folder.
  3. The selected path will be displayed next to Cabinet.

Step 5: Define Submission Actions

Configure how documents are handled once completed:

Step 6: Final Submission Actions

After the Pilot Trainer reviews the training form, it can be sent to a manager and archived.

Step 7: Track Document Submissions

In the Document Status section of the workflow, you can monitor document progress and have access to the following information: 

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