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Virtual folder structure for the app users

In case you have a complicated folder structure on your cloud storage, and your team spends time searching for the needed folder or file while working in the Fluix app on a mobile device or in the user web app, there is a way to improve the user experience.

In Fluix you can create a virtual folder structure and the label folders for the end-users so that they could access the required folder without clicking through the whole path from the root folder to the subfolder they need.

Such a virtual folder structure can be created on the level of Templates, Cabinet, Company Drive, and Group Inbox. For doing this the Fluix admin needs to create the label folder on the workflow level:

In this case, the end-user will see the October Inspections Reports in the Templates section on their device, without the necessity to click and open the folders through all the path from the root folder to the subfolder they need. As a result, the actual folder structure is Templates/Fluix Library of Templates/Inspections Reports/2020/October, while the virtual folder structure, which is displayed to the user is Templates/October Inspections Reports.

Additionally, not only one folder but the multi-level virtual folder structure can be created on the level of the Templates, Cabinet, and Company Drive. For doing this, the Fluix admin needs to configure the path, which will lead the user to the necessary folder by adding two slashes (//) into the path itself, which creates a subfolder in the parent folder to the left from // symbols. The virtual folders can be created indefinitely and contain multiple levels (3, 4, 5, etc), for example, Folder//Subfolder//Subsubfolder//…//Subsubfolder.

As an example, the following path can be used for creating the multi-level virtual folder structure: 

As a result, the actual folder structure is Templates/Fluix Library of Templates/Inspections Reports/2020/October/Week 2, while the virtual folder structure, which is displayed to the user is Templates/October Inspections Reports/Week 2.

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