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How to create user roles in your Fluix account

Here is how to create user roles in your Fluix account.

  1. From the main menu in the Fluix Admin portal, click ‘Configuration’.

  2. In the side menu on the left of your screen, click ‘Roles’. Here you’ll see an overview of all users in your Fluix account.

  3. To create a new role for an existing user, click the ‘New Role’ button in the top right corner of your screen. You can choose a pre-existing role or select ‘Blank Template’ to create a new one.

  4. To create a new role, click ‘Blank Template’, then enter the name of the user who you’d like to assign the role to, and click ‘Select’. Next, set the permissions you’d like the users who are assigned this role to have, then give the new Role a name in the text box in the top left corner of your screen, and finish by clicking the “Save & Apply” button to successfully create your role.

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