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How to view user information in Fluix

Here is how to view user information in your Fluix account.

  1. To view user information, click ‘Configuration’, and then select ‘Users’ from the sub-menu that opens on the left side of your screen.

  2. You’ll now see an overview of all of the users in your Fluix account. You can filter users by those who have logged into Fluix in the past 24 hours, over a month ago, or those who haven’t ever logged in.

  3. For those who haven’t yet logged into Fluix, you can resend an invitation email by selecting the user from the list of user names and clicking ‘Resend invite’.

  4. You can also use filters to see the users who are running an outdated version of the Fluix app on their devices. Selecting a user will allow you to edit their details, add them to a group, or delete them from the Fluix account.

  5. Clicking on a user’s name will open a detailed view of their details, activity and the status of documents they’re working with. Here you can reset their password, manage their group and workflow memberships, see which devices they have connected to Fluix and log them out of any device in the list. You can also delete the user by clicking ‘Delete this user’.

  6. Selecting ‘User activity’ from the sub-menu will show the user’s last login date, the device they logged in from, and all of the actions made by the user in Fluix.

  7. If a user has an admin role in Fluix, you will be able to check and edit their access rights in the Role Permissions sub-menu.

  8. The ‘Document Status’ sub-menu option shows all of the documents that this user has worked on, as well as their current status. 

  9. Back in the main user list view, if you need to you can export the entire list of users in your Fluix Account, select all users and then click ‘export to CSV’ to download the list of users, groups they participate in and last login date. 

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