Help > Documents > Feature Tutorials > How to Create deep links to files in Fluix

How to Create deep links to files in Fluix

Deep linking is the practice of directing users deeper into a web page or mobile app through the use of uniform resource identifiers (URI). With deep links you can easily direct Fluix users to the files within the app. Specifically, creating a direct link to a file will significantly help to save employee’s time on digging through complicated folder structures of your corporate cloud storage by pointing him/her directly at the required file instead, whether it is Site Attendance Register, Safety checklist or any other document.

Before starting, please note that the below instruction is applicable only for Templates and Personal sections of the Fluix app, having some specifics for each.

How to build the link:  

The deep link should consist of initial prefix ‘​pdfexfile://’ ​and the folder path itself ​/folder2/folder3/file.pdf  

As a result, the link pointing to a PDF document should look like the one below.  


Important Notes 

1. The link is case sensitive, meaning that the spelling of the folder path in your deep link must be identical to the spelling of the actual path of your folder structure in Fluix. Therefore please make sure that upper and lower cases correspond to one another.

2. The path should not contain the first (root) folder. (This rule is applicable only for the Templates section, while for Personal section the path should stay as it is)

Example for Templates: When the file is accessible at such folder path /Folder1/Subfolder2/File.pdf; the link to the file should be as shown below: 


Example for Personal: When the file is accessible at such folder path /Folder1/Subfolder2/File.pdf; the link to the file should be as shown below: 


3. Spaces should be percent-encoded (put ​%20​ instead of space)

Example for Templates: When the file is accessible at such folder path /Folder1/Subfolder2/Important Document.pdf; the link to the file should be as shown below: 


Example for Personal: When the file is accessible at such folder path /Folder1/Subfolder2/Important Document.pdf; the link to the file should be as shown below: 


Please note that the method described above will work only in case your folder path contains Latin letters, numbers, and spaces only. In case if your folder path contains some special characters eg. ü, ö, backslashes, underscores, other punctuation marks, etc, we recommend checking how to percent-encode them by following the link below.

In case of any questions don’t hesitate to contact us at

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