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Document Storage Options: Fluix Storage

Let’s take a look at how to work with the security settings in your Fluix account.

  1.  From the main menu in the Fluix Admin portal, click ‘Configuration’. You’ll see three options under the Settings section: Security, File Sharing, and Email Notifications.

  2.  In the Security section, you can choose to allow users to work offline on an iOS device, and you can also enable Two-factor Authentication.

  3. Further down the page, you’ll see three options that will allow you to decide how long documents will be kept on Fluix’s servers.

  4. Next, you’ll see the option to allow users to store their signature on their iOS devices.

  5. The final section of Fluix’s Security Settings is the default PDF password option, which allows your users to open password-protected PDFs without entering a password each time.

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