Help > Tasks > Admin Guide > User App in the web browser 

User App in the web browser 

You can access your tasks in the Fluix app not only from iOS and Android devices but also from any web browser.

Note: Fluix web app is compatible with the majority of web browsers. For best performance, we recommend updating your browsers to the latest versions.

Log in with your Fluix credentials to and start working on your tasks and forms. Once logged in, you’ll see the list of the following sections:

Document conflict: As Fluix can be accessed via a mobile device, and a web browser, it’s important to work with a file on one device at a time and make sure to save changes before switching to another platform. Otherwise, a conflict of documents might occur.

How to start working on tasks

To review and start working on a task and forms, simply tap on it. 

In the left sidebar, there is detailed information about the task, containing its full description, stage, priority, and taskstream name. If the task was taken from the Assigned tab, it will show to whom and when the task was assigned, as well as its due date if any. 

To start working on a task or assign it to yourself (in case the task was initially assigned to the group in which you are a participant),  tap the Start Progress button in the top right corner. 

ToDo section

The following sections may be displayed in the ToDo tab, according to the setup:


You can be assigned a task as a member of a particular group or as a separate user only. In case the task was assigned to a group you are a member of, the name of the group will be displayed next to the Process ID. 

Please note that once the task is assigned to a group and one of the group members assigns it to yourself, it will not be displayed in the ToDo tab.

The Assigned task may have a due date, which is pre-configured by the company’s account admin. When the task is overdue, it will be marked accordingly and show the number of overdue days. 

To Initiate

Tasks in the To Initiate section are pre-configured by the admin and can be initiated by you at any time (even offline). You can initiate as many tasks as needed as these tasks are always available in the ToDo tab.

In Progress section

To move the task to the In Progress section, you should just start working on the task from the ToDo tab. The task you are working on will stay there until it’s finished.

The task can be deleted only in case it was initiated by you from the To Initiate section. Otherwise, it may be withdrawn from you by the company’s account admin.

Once tapping the Finish Task button, you might be provided with a list of alternative submit actions to choose from. 

Finished section

In the Finished tab, you may find the list of the last max 500 tasks you finished. It is impossible to make any further changes to the tasks at this stage, as all the tasks are displayed in the view mode only.

The list of tasks is sorted by the date and separated into sections according to the date the task was completed.

Feel free to contact us at if you have any questions or comments.


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