Help > FAQ > Access Configuration > Is Fluix compatible with our corporate MDM?

Is Fluix compatible with our corporate MDM?

What is MDM:

Mobile device management (MDM) – is a corporate software tool that once installed on the employee’s device allows business owners and system administrators to take control over what is being performed on the company device and what kind of sources this device can reach. Furthermore, MDM allows you to set the company-wide policies like access management, file sharing, and app version control on all of your corporate devices simultaneously. The main goal of implementing the MDM is to optimize the functionality of your corporate device fleet and at the same time to keep the security and protection of the corporate network at the top priority.

What MDM allows to do:

Fluix supports all of the most popular MDM solutions like:

  1. ManageEngine Mobile Device Manager Plus.
  2. AirWatch Workspace ONE.
  3. BlackBerry Unified Endpoint Management.
  4. Citric Endpoint Management.
  5. SOTI MobiControl.
  6. IBM MaaS360.
  7. Cisco Meraki.
  8. Miradore Mobile Device Management.
  9. Jamf Now.
  10. SimplySecure.

On top of that, you could pre-fill the user’s email on the Fluix login page using your corporate MDM. Follow the link below for more information.

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