Help>Tasks>FAQ>Taskstream configuration> Can I block fields in a form for one group of users while enabling them for another group within the same form?
Can I block fields in a form for one group of users while enabling them for another group within the same form?
Yes! Fluix makes managing document access and usability easy for your field teams. With the Assignment Configuration feature in the Taskstream builder, you can control how form fields appear for different groups within a single Taskstream. Fields can be set as editable, read-only, or required for each group at different steps in the workflow.
Please note: The same form should be configured for the groups so you can assign specific fields for each group for their respective tasks.
How to assign form fields:
While creating a Taskstream, go to the Task Details section and open Forms & Attachments.
Next to the added form’s name, click on Assign Form Fields.
Use this functionality to define:
Which fields are required for the group assigned to the current task.
Editable or read-only fields as needed.
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