Fluix Success Story

Gewalt-Hamilton Associates, Streamline Field Mobile Data Collection

Gewalt Hamilton started in 1981 with two employees working in a small home office in Illinois. Today, it has grown into a multidisciplinary organization providing civil engineering services, site design, construction administration and observation, surveying, and roadway design in the Midwestern and Southern US.

Gewalt-Hamilton Associates Success Story

Getting rid of tremendous paperwork

Project inef­ficiency due to misman­aging field documenta­tion.
Time and costs wasted on paper­work. Office managers had to down­load PDFs, print and in­sert them in multiple binders for field techni­cians to edit.
Project de­lays due to continuous changes in documenta­tion. The scope of jobs between a service provider and a client is constantly in­creasing, de­creasing, or getting canceled.

The company realized they needed to go digital, driving true business process transformation with a document control software (e.g. digital document processing, organizing, distributing and storing). In addition to, providing technicians specific instructions of which documents to complete in order via automated workflows.

Solution & Benefits

Moving forward digitization whilst preserving past workflows

Gewalt-Hamilton implemented Fluix workflow automation software for:

Mobile data collection
When field sheets need to be created and ready to go at a moment’s notice.
Field documenta­tion
From completing documentation in the field and organizing based on projects, to sending completed documents back to the office.
Automated workflows
Document management and digitization of processes decreases redundancies and human errors.
“With technicians all over the Midwest and Southern United States, the ability to pass the field sheets to them within 5 to 10 minutes is critical. Fluix has been an incredibly valuable asset we use to streamline digital document processing on a per-project basis.”

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